Dash Glitch

Music Producer/Sound Designer/Content Creator

me Hello! I am Dash Glitch, I make Sounds and Music. I document my process in the form of YouTube videos. I also create synth presets for various software and hardware synthesizers, most notably Serum, Vital and Phase Plant.

My aim is to teach, inspire and make tools to help musicians be more creative.

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About Me

My Story

I've been into music just about as long as I can remember, I grew up in a creative household with a Mom who was an art teacher and a Dad who was a musician. As a child I got a start on playing Piano but it never really stuck with me, I was far more interested in the weirder side of music and sound. My dad had a couple of keyboards around the house and I remember being fascinated by the more "alien" sounds from synthesizers such as the Korg MS-10. This is where my fascination with synthesizers and audio engineering in general really sparked. As I grew older I got into Punk music and started playing drums, this is when I started getting more interested in recording and processing techniques. At the time my main focus was Punk music, however I was still very much into Hip-Hop and Electronic Stuff like The Prodigy, Asian Dub Foundation, Deep Forest, Massive Attack & DJ Shadow.

My first experience with the more Psychedelic side of music was through Shpongle, I hadn't really fallen in love with Dance music yet but the weird sound design and synthesis methods in their music was unlike anything I had heard before. I was intruiged and wanted to explore more of the alien sounds and this lead me down the Psytrance rabbit hole. I attended my first festival in 2004, it was a Vortex event in Theewaterskloof just outside Cape Town, South Africa. This is where I fully fell in love with Psytrance, it was a whole new world of those "alien" sounds that I had heard in Shpongle's music. I got home from the festival, fired up FL Studio (which I was still running in Demo mode), began experimenting with Sounds and recording them directly to tapes which i'd overdub to save. In retrospect I think this is where I picked up a habit of creating sounds from an INIT patch, because it was just that for a few years.

After about 2 years of experimenting I decided it was time to invest in a "Real DAW", so I started getting into Cubase. It's about this time when I finished school and decided to turn my hobby into a potential job, I signed up to study Audio Engineering at Cape Audio College only to figure out that Cubase (and even FL studio for that matter) was nowhere in the curiculum. Pro Tools and Reason were the "Industry Standards" at the time, so everything I learned was for programs that I didn't even have at the time. I saw this as an opportunity to adapt what I was learning to a different environment and I think this also helped build my confidence in just diving into a new piece of software and applying other ideas to it.

I began working on my first tunes, back then there wasn't much YouTube, you couldn't just search up how to make a particular sound. It was all word-of-mouth and very limited knowledge being shared in forums like DogsOnAcid, IsraTrance and Bomelakisie (That was a local South African site). So I just started experimenting and trying to figure things out. This was also before stuff like Serum, so we often relied heavily on the built-in DAW tools for effects and synthesis. It took me about 2 years to make enough tunes I was happy with to start performing live sets. I played my first gig in 2008, it came about from posting some clips of my tracks on the aforementioned Bomelakisie forum and making some connections.

In 2011 I released my first full-length album, entitled Higher Definition. I released it on Ektoplazm which was a web-portal for Psytrance and related music. In the following years I continued working on new music and performing at various of the festivals in South Africa from RezFest, Earthdance and Origin to Wacky Woods up the coast. I performed mainly under the name "Glitch", but also had a few side-projects and colab projects. However in recent years I've decided to bring it all together under one Umbrella. I had also spent a few years focusing my attention on creating a YouTube platform to teach and inspire the next generation of producers, I named the channel Dash Glitch (Dash being my first name, and Glitch was my main music project ofcourse). Dash Glitch being the name I am most known by, I decided to use that as the "Umbrella" moniker going forward.

The past few years I've been mainly focusing on creating music, sounds and YouTube content. Who knows what the future holds!

Sound Design

Factory Content

My Sounds have been included as Factory Content or Official Expansions in the following products

Kilohearts Phase Plant

Lunacy Audio Beam

Audiomodern Playbeat 3

Third Party Content

I also design sounds for sale on my own store, I have made content for the following products


Xfer Serum

Kilohearts Snap Heap

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